

1256 children in 63 school classes and 9 kindergarten groups participated this year in Trier. Together they collecte 12,643 Green Footprints - That's more than enought to travel to Katar and back!


Here are some photos of the closing event at Humboldt-Gymnasium where the children handed over the Green Footprints to the mayor, Angelika Birk.



During the autumn holiday programm, the Spiel- und Lernstube Nordend of the Caritasverband Worm e. V. participated.

The children learned that waste is not only waste.


"You can make new things out of waste. They're called recyclable fraction" Sila, 6 years, explains and adds: "We made so awesome things out of it! We made shelfs for our rooms out of old wine boxes. So we recycled, too!".
The children cooked meals with organic food and made vinegar and oil by themselves. They were shown the import's impact of food on the world's climate. "Our supermarket apples have to travel a long way. They are brought to us via plane or ship. Though you can buy bigger apples at the farmer near you! And they are very fresh and taste sweet", says Justin, 10 years.