North Rhine-Westphalia

Bad Salzuflen


The elementary school Knetterheide collected Green Footprints with 14 classes. In total they collected 6150 "Green Footprints! A great result!!


Please read their repor t(pdf, 500 kb, German only) if you want to know what they did during their acitivity week.



The day care centre Rasselbande has been taking part in the campaign since many years and this year they collected with all groups again.



Wie schon in der Pressemitteilung von Anfang Mai angekündigt, haben es die Bielefelder wieder geschaft das Rekordergebnis vom Vorjahr zu toppen - herzlichen Glückwunsch!



The Erich-Kästner-Grundschule sent us the following message:

We are an elementary school in Dormagen and find your idea very interesting. So we appealed for coming to school by foot or scooter or bike.


A total of 206 children collected 1711 Green Footprints from 17 to 21 September. And we are very proud!



The children of the Grundschule Gartnisch (ca. 220 children in 9 classes) collected 2517 Green Footprints from 22 to 26 October (2 classes collected the week after the activity week).


We will participate next year. It has become a tradtion at tour school...
As well as the "Go by foot to school"-day that is the introduction to the ZOOM-Campaign.
Every 3 days we receive a delivery with fresh organic fruits and vegetables so that this aspect is taken into consideration on a daily basis.

The "car"-children (that were always very sad because the could not collect Green Footprints) could now earn energy saving points for the whole class wit the "Energy Saving Class Service". They have for example turned of the lights in school breaks or after school.



In Leverkusen they collected over 10,000 Green Footprints.


Press release:

The children liked the activity pretty much. Luca (5th grade, Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium) uses excercise books out of recycled paper for a long time already.
"You can write on those as good as on normal books but they are much better for the environment", the 10 year old explains.



The children of the Nikolaus-Groß-Grundschule in Menden collected 655 Green Footprints in 3 classes.

The children of the dragon class developed a show-jumping couser for schooter and sent us photos of their models.

The children of the 4th and 5th grades of the Herzogenschule, the Landrat-Lucas-Gymnasium, the Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium and the GGS Bergisch Neukirchen collected about 6000 of the Green Fotprints .

Furthermore, the children and the teachers learned a lot about ecological tinker and school products at the NaturGut programme "Papierfüchse aufgepasst".



8 elementary school took part in this year's campaign! The children showed how you can travel in an eco-friendly way. Instead of using the parental cab service, they preferred to walk, go by bus or bycicle. The 1.509 children from 55 classes avoided 12,565 car trips.


In their report they write:

On Monday, 3rd December, there will be a big celebration for the Climate Protection Year 2012 of the City of Löhne.
The mayor, Heinz-Dieter Held, handed over certificates to the city byciclist and ZOOM children.
Very exciting was the introduction for the Climate Protection Year 2013: There will be a Climate Mascot.

Here is the complete report as download (pdf, 200kb, German only)



For the 5th time, the elementary school Marienfeld took part in the campaign. They collected 4.279 Green Footprints for our world's climate.

This year there was a environmanet quiz as well as fruits and vegetables during the school breaks. As a final activity during the campaign week, they made a very long row of pictures. All pupils took part in this joint activity. Every child painted at least one picture. Nearly the whole schoolyard was surrounded by the picture chain.


Here you can find the report on this activity week (pdf, kb, German only)


If you want to know more about the activities of the Marienschule, have a look here:

and here are some "clos ups views" from the longest picture chain...

Monheim am Rhein

Monheim took part for the first time, but 4 facilities collected Footprints.


In the photo you can see the children of day car centre Kunterbunt handing over the Footprints.



The children of the kita Farbklecks (blur of colour) lived up to their name and send us many coloured cardboard feet beside their 152 collected Green Footprints.



In 2012, 11 day care centres and 7 elementary schools took part in Solingen. They collected 18.080 Green footprints as well as 1306 additional footprints, so in total 19326 footprints.

Thank you very much for that!


If you want to know more, eg on the Punch and Judy-Show, that was written for this campaign, please have a look at the newspaper article (jpg, 330 kb, German only)




The children of the Sonnenschule in Unna Massen collected 2859 Grüne Meilen during their Environment Week in march.
For buying exercise books out of recycled paper, using  paper instead of plastic folders and for abdication of markers they get another 540 Footprints for their way to Qatar.


The August-Hermann-Francke-Schule not only collected 1859 Green Footprints but also made foot and shoe art, made movement games, "took" mind photos of they way to school, made a portable barefoot path and glued 922 cardboard feet on eight (8!) length of wallpaper.


Thank you very much for the many photos of those great activities!!!