


From 09-28-2021 to 10-04-2021, the children in Bürstadt collected 5,888 Green Footprints. They achieved this great result by using public transport, by walking, cycling, scootering and skateboarding.

Frankfurt am Main


The children of 2b from Textorschule wrote in frensh and german their wishes for climate protection on paper card footprints:

„Wir brauchen mehr Klimaschützer!"
„Nous voulons plus de protection du climat!“

(we need more Climate Protectors)

„Mehr erneuerbare Energie!“
„Plus d’energie renouvelable!“

(more renewable energies)

In the end and dispite the Corona Pandemic the children collected 402 green miles, 83 red miles and 55 blue miles for their environmental friendly behaviour.


Click here and you will find some further information about the hessian results in german.