


In Formigine 86 children with the support of 29 adults (parents, grandparents, volunteers),  in 4 schools were contributing 17200 Miglia Verde to the ZOOM Campaign this yaer.


With their "Bimbibus" activites, which were implemented in 2009 by the Municipality of Formigine in collaboration with the Agency for the Mobility of Modena (aMo and local schools, the children walked to school with defined timetable and stops, travelling at any kind of weather.

Every child and every adult wears a high-visibility bib and an identification badge with the logo of the Bimbibus project and his/her own name.





In Piacenza this year 1407 children from 13 schools collected 89,852 Miglia Verdi from March to April!


On 5th of June, the World Environment Day (WED), the best classes out of 65 were awarded at a little festivity on the Piazza Cavalli.  


There the children played activity games, exhibited their results, sung songs and all together demonstrated that they are all able to resist Mr "Smogus", who was there again trying to persuade everybody that pollution is good and fun.



In Sacile 264 pupils from 5 primary schools collected  Miglia Verde in the schoolyear 2013/14. With their Pedibus action and always carefully watched by Mr Hop, the kangaroo, they sum up to 52,800 Green Footprints just with their journeys in the morning - congratulations!  

South Tyrol


The Climate Steps are in again:

This year, 59 schools with 376 classes and 5314 pupils took part and collected 66,880 Climate Steps. 35 municipalities were involved in 2014.


Many pupils also visited the exhibition KlimReise. Further Info and a short movie at the website of the Provinz Bozen Southtirol