Results 2017


Over 200,000 children from all over Europe - more than ever before in 15 years - were once again collecting Green Footprints, Grüne Meilen, πράσινες πατούσες, Klimameilen, Groene Voetstappen, Miglia Verdi, Zelené Stopy , Zöld Mérföldet, Klimaschritte, Grön Footprints, зеленых следа , Talpite Verzi  etc.


You want to know what activities were running in which country?

Please use the menu bar on the left, to find results, pictures and reports by countries - and of course many examples of the children's Wishprints for the politicians.

Just put a little time into it ...


To get a quick overview please have a look at the ZOOM Report 2017. 
It illustrates in many pictures and short reports in English and the mother tongue of the participating country what special actions the ZOOM-Kids did there this year to demonstrate their strong will to save our One World's Climate. 


We also listet some statements, wishes and demands to the climate politicians from the children and their teachers.


If you want to know what else Climate Alliance did at COP23 in Bonn please visit

A record-breaking 205,577 youngsters took part in the 15th year of the Climate Alliance Green Footprints campaign  


On November 16th a group of kindergartners from Bonn presented their efforts on climate change and their wishes for the future to decision makers at the 23rd UN Climate Summit. Over 1,400 schools spread across Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden  participated in the 2017. Together they collected some 2.3 million green footprints.


This year's handing over was acompanied by many prominet supportes:

The President of COP 23 and Prime Minister from Fiji Frank Bainimarama jumped in and congratulated the kids for their great efforts. Also the Minister of Environment from Austria Andrä Rupprechter and his colleague Carole Dieschbourg from Luxembourg came by as well as the Youth Delegates from the Netherlands, Friedrich Hofer from Climate Alliance Austria and Helmut Hojesky from the Ministry of Environment Austria.

ZOOM Kids with COP23 President Bainimarama

Support by Helmut Hojesky, Minister Rupprechter and Friedrich Hofer

Minister Carole Dieschbourg

Children tell Espinosa about their Climate Action

Chidren add their Wishprints to Result Poster

Brose explains Espinosa how to ZOOM in

For detailed results by countries please visit Results 2017


For further reports and photographs on Climate Alliance's other activities at COP 23 in Bonn please visit us on Facebook  or